Topband: DX window

Tom W8JI w8ji at
Thu Dec 6 11:40:55 EST 2012

I stand by my suggestion and I don't see my suggestion as nonsense in
the least. Go here and read section 6.1 - The ARRL who host this contest state
plainly that this segment should be used for intercontinental QSOs
only, ergo: the DX window.

Since US & VE are disregarding this directive and using it selfishly
to the detriment of the others in the contest who are playing by the
rules, I say the offending stations should be penalized for ignoring
the rules. What is nonsense about that?>>>>

That is a good suggestion, because it is what the contest rules suggest. It 
is a place for intercontinental QSO's, and W/VE should not CQ there. 

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