Topband: DX window

Tree tree at
Thu Dec 6 11:51:49 EST 2012

I think "tradition" for the ARRL has been to only find "DX" stations there
CQing.  That's why it is in the rules.  It is often the first time some of
the "little guns" have ever heard DX on the band.

>From time to time - I find some USA stations there CQing - and typically
they leave after being reminded about the window.

However, from time to time you see a serious station setup camp and run off
100 or more domestic stations - which seems like it is taking advantage of
the rule.


On Thu, Dec 6, 2012 at 8:40 AM, Tom W8JI <w8ji at> wrote:

> I stand by my suggestion and I don't see my suggestion as nonsense in
> the least. Go here and read section 6.1
> - The ARRL who host this contest state
> plainly that this segment should be used for intercontinental QSOs
> only, ergo: the DX window.
> Since US & VE are disregarding this directive and using it selfishly
> to the detriment of the others in the contest who are playing by the
> rules, I say the offending stations should be penalized for ignoring
> the rules. What is nonsense about that?>>>>
> That is a good suggestion, because it is what the contest rules suggest.
> It is a place for intercontinental QSO's, and W/VE should not CQ there.
> ______________________________**_________________
> Topband reflector - topband at

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