Topband: Fw: The Idiot's Guide To Bi-Directional Two-Wire BeverageConstruction...

Bruce k1fz at
Fri Dec 14 20:03:23 EST 2012

The beverage notes web page may be of some help.

I like 600 ohms . Losses go up faster when vegetation comes in contact with 
wires if the impedance goes much higher. I try to keep the wires clear even 
at 600 ohms.


 On Thu, Dec 13, 2012 at 3:08 PM, Eddy Swynar <deswynar at> wrote:

 I wonder if I might prevail upon any & all with some first-hand real-world
 experience as to the "criticalness" (if any) between the two wires running
 the length & span of a 2-wire bi-directional Beverage...?

 Just how important is a continuos pre-set distance between the wires,
 anyway...? And who was it that came up with the necessity of equally-spaced
 wire...? And how did they determine the "optimum" distance the wires...?

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