Topband: raised radials

Carl km1h at
Sun Dec 16 18:09:31 EST 2012

Charlie, you are so far off the wall Im not even going to bother with a long 
detailed answer since it likely wont go thru.You dont have a clue what Im 
trying to get across so why bother.

There was absolutely nothing wrong with my 40M configurations, one version 
wasnt up to expectations and the other was much better. By how much I dont 
know since the difference was marked and not worth going further. This 1/2 
wave working better with radials is nothing new and has been reported by 
others and is used in some commercial antenna mobile installations on VHF 
and up. What I called a dud by my standards is likely what you call a great 
performer, it didnt crack pileups on the first few calls. With radials it 
was better but not great. Maybe the angle was too low, anyway I dont like 
waiting and search for the reasons why. Running super QRO is not in my 
The HB tuning network worked perfect either way and the only reason I 
disconnected the radial ring was out of curiosity since fellow ham engineers 
at work asked about it. Engineering requires curiosity as well as an 
understanding. Im not one to blindly follow the Pied Piper. It is called 
testing and verification, are you familiar with those concepts?

 The 4 el 40M yagi was installed since I wanted to work  ALL countries/zones 
on the band as well as generate big contest scores. I wasnt satisfied with 
an underperformer altho at times the radial version vertical halfwave was 
pretty close (easily audible so maybe 3-4dB?) to the 4el on some rare 
occassions. The KLM was an available product and I could afford it and the 
tower dedicated to it, Im being condemned for that now?

Your comment of antennas on tall buildings further shows your inability to 
seperate apples and oranges and stick to one subject..

All Ive read in this last rambling and ranting post of yours is from a 
seriously disturbed old man ( Im a bit older) who might have a stroke if he 
doesnt calm down and stop going on about something you apparently have 
trouble reading much less understanding. If you dont understand something 
ask for a clarification, dont just throw a grenade in the room.

I'll go one to one with you on antennas any day of the week but first you 
need to understand how antennas work beyond your back yard. There was a long 
discussion on here led by a known BC engineer who took a lot of flack from a 
few who were being challenged. I enjoyed watching the constant dancing and 
subject shifting smoke screens by the usual. Well written engineering books 
give you the basics, I have had all of them for decades and reference them 
often but a dedicated professor that took the time to explain troublesome 
parts to any student was worth his weight in gold.

And you dont need to keep adding the groupie addresses since it does go thru 
the reflector to everyone.


> Well, Carl, before  you start beating up on Tom, let me assure  you that
> there ARE some people on this reflector. And I AM one of them, who are
> certainly educated  and informed enough, and do antenna work 
> professionally,
> as I do, to see the serious and gross errors and complete lack of 
> knowledge
> and understanding that regularly are presented in  your presentations on
> antennas and "grounds" here on this reflector. I expect that most of them
> are so appalled and taken aback, that they often just dismiss your "rants"
> out of hand, as I have, and just don't dignify them with a comment!  But
> here lately some of  your rants are so seriously in error, and in such
> complete disagreement with the laws of physics, electromagnetics and
> engineering, that I feel compelled to speak out!
> Let me start by telling you that I AM an electrical engineer, and I have
> been practicing for 45 years -and among other things, I AM an antenna
> engineer, and I know enough about antennas and electromagnetics to know
> complete BULL and SERIOUS ERRORS when I see them! And you surely have
> presented us with some!!  Let me tell you, as an antenna engineer, that
> antennas and  electromagnetics are based on DESIGN, MODELING, 
> MEASUREMENT and  TESTING - with a firm foundation in the underlying 
> science
> and engineering!! You seem to be sadly lacking in this area!!
> One of my concerns is  that some of the less-informed who read your bull 
> in
> this reflector might take it seriously!! As an engineer, I can just 
> dismiss
> it as BULL, based on apocrypha, hearsay and half-baked opinions -NOT on 
> any
> underlying science or engineering - but others might not, - and they might
> expend a lot of sweat and tears and MONEY (4 40m elements a 120' -to solve 
> a
> gross and serious electromagnetics error???) by following some of your
> SERIIOUSL FLAWED "RANTS! You need to get away from your computer and
> keyboard and go dig into some  serious antenna and electromagnetics 
> texts!!
> May I recommend "Antennas", by John Kraus, W8JK, of Ohio State University
> (McGraw- Hill 1950) SK
> Note:
> 1.0 A 1/2 wave vertical DOES NOT need an underlying "ground" system to 
> work
> very well. A 1/2 wave vertical will work very well in free space!! How do
> you think a coaxial dipole 1/2 wave base station antenna atop an aluminum 
> or
> fiberglass mast at  the top of a tall building works so well?? There ain't
> no  "ground screens" or "salt marshes" up there!  IMHO your "alleged"
> "experience" with 1/2 wave verticals "ain't worth the powder it would take
> to blow it to hell!" And besides, what you described was NOT a 1/2 wave
> vertical -it was a 6-wire cage vertical monopole with 1/4 wave radials for
> 80m, that you later "bastardized" into a terribly MISMATCHED 40m end fed 
> 1/2
> wave, that you  proclaimed as a "dud" because you didn't  know what you 
> were
> doing and don't understand VSWR or mismatch loss, or antennas. You then
> resolved your electromagnetics problem, and TOTAL lack of understanding by
> purchasing an EXPENSIVE commercial 4-element 40m  yagi and installing it 
> at
> 120 feet!  I'm afraid some other poor sap might read your "rant" and 
> follow
> suit!
> You need to do some serious homework, Carl, before taking to task, or
> seriously misleading others on this reflector!!   You are WAY out of you
> league!!
> Charlie, K4OTV

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