Topband: condx last night

Charlie Young weeksmgr at
Mon Dec 24 13:47:18 EST 2012

Braco E77DX said:  > what a X-mas present from TB last night!
 > I had one of my best openings on TB to NA ever!
 Braco was S9 plus 20 db here in WV, stronger than most NA callers.   Huge signal, loudest from EU but many others had good signals.   However, I could not believe the spotlight opening here to 9K2MU.  At times, Murtada  was S9 on my NE inverted L, several S units above the noise level.   Two or three seasons ago I chased Murtada during several openings, but could not get through.  Last season we caught a spotlight to 9K2HN (nothing like last night's opening) but it was gratifying working Murtada after all this time chasing him.   9K2MU was in here very strong for 20 to 30 minutes.  Spotlights don't usually last that long for me.  It was really exciting to get an opening like this.  Almost 3 hours later the band opened here to ZS6EZ for another good catch, then about an hour after that V5/DL3DXX was in here at his SR with a good signal.   These were copied on my SE inverted L with signals well above the noise.  
Yesterday morning 15M CW was exhibiting strong multipath on NE USA signals and on some of the stronger EU signals.  NA signals were nearly impossible to copy.   In fact, I could hear my own echoes on the transition from TX to RX.   The echoes were strongest beaming straight east.   I don't suppose the 160 prop was related in any way to the 15M prop but it is interesting the condx were observed on the same day.  Merry Christmas and Happy New year to all.   Hope for some more of this great propagation.  73 Chas  (Charlie) N8RRSouth Charleston WV   		 	   		  

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