Topband: ARRL CW DX test

Nathan Moreschi n4ydu at
Wed Feb 22 17:04:02 PST 2012


My first attempt around 0355z failed but about 35 minutes later it was 
pretty easy. I ran 100 watts to an inverted L (65 feet vertical and about 70 
feet horizontal) with 3 quarter wave raised radials on 160.



-----Original Message----- 
From: Craig Clark
Sent: Wednesday, February 22, 2012 11:51 AM
To: topband at
Subject: Topband: ARRL CW DX test

I should have asked this question during the contest but was a bit busy.

Did anyone try to work us at PJ4X and not get through?

Our 160 station was on 160 and 15 and both bands had receiving problems.
Additionally, we don't think our US Beverage was working very well. West of
the Mississippi, we had major problems. To our European friends, we had no
Eu rx antenna. To our JA friends, I was there Friday starting at 1000z and
heard nothing.

PM me at k1qx at arrl dot net with reports or complaints of about how deaf we

We know it is a problem and we want to get some help figuring out what we
can do.

Craig Clark K1QX
PO Box 209
107 Fitzgerald Rd
Rindge NH 03461
(603) 899-6957

UR RST IS ... ... ..9 QSB QSB - hw? BK 

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