Topband: WD1A

Guy Olinger K2AV olinger at
Mon Jul 23 12:40:28 PDT 2012

That's what I would like to hear.  Back some years got ahold of a sample of
some alleged high power 72 ohm transmission line before I bought a bunch of
it.  It was 80 ohms and had terrible losses.  It seemed to me to be made of
the same stuff as household zip cord.  I reported my findings back to the
owner, who then sold it for scrap.

Does anyone have anything authoritative clearing C line for use at RF?  It
was NOT designed and manufactured for use at RF, that is for sure.

73, Guy.

> If I had a sample (which I don't), I would hook it up to a VNA and
> measure both Zo and attenuation.
> 73, Jim K9YC

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