Topband: Beverage antennas

Tom W8JI w8ji at
Tue Jul 24 07:53:01 PDT 2012

> There is an excellent article in the July/August 2012 issue of QEX 
> describing how the author improved the performance of a Beverage by 
> breaking it into two in-line segments coupled by a pair of conventional 
> Beverage matching transformers.  He also provides detailed construction 
> information for a switched bidirectional Beverage that he built.

This can be nothing but an end-fire antenna consisting of two elements.

It is similar to the K9AY, EWE, Flag, and Pennant antennas, which are really 
nothing but the equivalent of two short verticals phased with end-fire 
phasing. The horizontal spatial conductor length serves as a phasing and 
transmission line connecting the vertical conductor lengths that serve as 

73 Tom 

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