Topband: Beverage antennas

Andy Ikin andrew.ikin at
Tue Jul 24 12:42:50 PDT 2012

Tom W8JI wrote on July 24.

This can be nothing but an end-fire antenna consisting of two elements.

It is similar to the K9AY, EWE, Flag, and Pennant antennas, which are really
nothing but the equivalent of two short verticals phased with end-fire
phasing. The horizontal spatial conductor length serves as a phasing and
transmission line connecting the vertical conductor lengths that serve as

73 Tom


Brian Collins gives another description on how a terminated loop antenna 
works; one could consider  the K9AY, EWE, Flag, and Pennant  are variations 
of what Brian describes in his 1974 paper.



Andrew G8LUG

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