Topband: Two wire beverage question

Kenneth Grimm grimm at
Fri Mar 23 08:10:11 PDT 2012

I'm in the process of building a new two wire beverage control box to
replace the one that Thor destroyed the other day.  Fortunately the coax
lead in was disconnected at the time!  The top of the box has not been
recovered and much of the contents vaporized.  The inside of the box has
lots of scorch marks...and not much else.  The reflection transformer, some
580 feet away, appears to be unaffected as does the 450 ohm twin lead.

I plan to do a PC board for the new control box and so I had a look at how
the DX Engineering box was laid out.  I also had a look at the board made
by RA6LBS.  Both of these boards appear to have an electrolytic capacitor
installed.  On both boards the electrolytic appears to be associated with
the direction switching relay.  None of the two wire beverage diagrams that
I have seen have such a cap and I wonder what its function is and how it is
connected in the circuit.  I am told that the value is 100 mfd @ 50 volts.

Apparently the cap isn't necessary, but since I have a few in my junk box,
this might be an opportunity to put one of them to use!


Ken - K4XL
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