Topband: YB8Y 160m Equipment

Merv Schweigert k9fd at
Wed Mar 28 13:00:57 PDT 2012

Perhaps they are gone now, but was hearing them daily with up to 599 signals
on top band and 80 meters,  worked both YC0LOW/8 and YB8Y.
Not many calling them on top band,  just a few JAs that I could hear.
So the antennas were working.  At least to this QTH.  Louder than any other
YB that I have heard on.
73 Merv K9FD/KH6
> > From the YB8Y website.  The transmitting antenna is wire dipole hang on a
> coconut tree. The receiving antenna is a DHDL (TX3A Double Half-Delta Loop).
> This band is lead and equipped by YB0LOW with an Electcraft K3 + Emtron DX3.
> Doug
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