Topband: Coupla things

Eddy Swynar deswynar at
Mon Jan 28 08:54:11 EST 2013

On 2013-01-28, at 7:57 AM, Tom W8JI wrote:

> I hope everyone attempts to contact a person in private first, and only uses public means when no private contact info is available or they are creating an imminent disaster.
> The respectful thing, however, is always direct communications unless something prevents that. That should go without saying.

Hi Tom et al,

Alas & alack, that sort of thing simply does NOT happen in to-day's Topband world...

Far too often, the unwitting "perpetrator" is often lambasted & skewered---behind his back, of course---on the likes of The ON4KST Chat Room with fellow like-minded "gentlemen"...and more often than not, some anonymous "aide" will kindly and repeatedly send "FIX KLIX" at the end of the victim's transmissions on the air...

That's really a TREMENDOUS help in "root-causing" someone's travails with clicks...and I know this only too well, because I myself as the "victim" in just this very same sort of character assassination.

Anyone with any history on ON4KST site will recall some weeks ago how the brethren all tackled "N2**" for his clicks---and the fall-out has been---from what I can see, anyway---that that person now rarely, if ever, shows his face on 160-meters anymore. And as recently as early last week, at least one stalwart from the north-east seemed to derive great pleasure in skewering a certain "VE1" about his "clicks": well, it turned-out that the "bad" station in question had some other issue there that had nothing whatever to do with clicks. I know, because I personally telephoned the owner behind the "VE1" call sign in question personally, & the situation was immediately---and easily---remedied.

Would that EVERY such case be treated in the same manner, Tom, exactly as you describe & as I acted upon---but sadly, it does not. And it leaves so-called "transgressors" feeling hurt, angry, dis-enfranchised, and no closer to any sort of resolution than before.

Whither the "Gentleman's Band"...? Sadly, it seems to have devolved by times into the personal playhouse of a select few self-styled "noblemen" who have apparently lost the true Amateur spirit...

Just my $0.02 worth...let the flaming begin.

~73~ de Eddy VE3CUI - VE3XZ

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