Topband: tx5k ops

Brad Rehm bradrehm at
Sat Mar 9 09:13:09 EST 2013


I agree completely.  These guys are top notch operators.  As always,
with a complicated operation carried out under less than ideal
conditions, there are snags.  No matter.  This is still one of the
best DXpedition I've witnessed.

Bob Schmieder's software has made a major contribution to the project.
 I wonder how they've done the Internet connection.

Brad  KV5V

On Fri, Mar 8, 2013 at 9:47 AM, David Raymond <daraymond at> wrote:
> I have listened to the TX5K operation for hours and hours.  Overall, they
> have had the best operators and operating practices I've seen in a very long
> time. . .maybe ever.  They stick with the call until they get it.  They do a
> good job of staying in sync with the station they are working and completing
> the qso with confidence.  When you're done you know you've worked them. They
> do a remarkable job controlling unruly European mobs that call incessantly
> and pay no attention whatsoever to instructions from the operator.  They've
> been friendly and courteous.  They know what bands to be on at which time of
> day.  My only complaint is that some of the SSB audio has been "pinched" to
> the point that it can be just a bit difficult to copy under certain
> circumstances.   But a minor point for sure.
> I'm sure with over 100,000 QSOs in the log there are exceptions to the
> above.  But overall, the operators have been nothing short of outstanding
> 73. . . Dave
>> Some of the TX5K operators are indeed the best, especially on 160 being
>> able to dig out so many Europeans in the past nights and even 4Z1 last
>> night.  Yet there are a few operators that defy logic like on 75 meters this
>> morning who showed up on 3.785 at 11:00Z where I was waiting for him with
>> excited anticipation of finally  being able to add Clipperton on 75 SSB.
>> TX5K was 20 over and I immediately got a reply "KV4FZ are you a one?" Then
>> after a short lecture the operator proceeded by numbers starting with "1".
>> Unfortunately by the time the operator got to number group "four" he had
>> dropped into the noise and was impossible to work him.  Do I have a
>> legitimate beef?  I sure think so.
>> 73,
>> Herb Schoenbohm, KV4FZ
> _________________
> Topband Reflector

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