Topband: Sprites

Bruce k1fz at
Fri Nov 22 17:30:53 EST 2013


In one part of the NOVA program, dialog was  "the airglow confirms that 
sprites interact with the ionosphere"
There were other references as to sprites into ionosphere

Most of our DX propagation is via the ionosphere. A sprite propagation 
change maybe possible, but is not proven.
Progress is learning beyond what we already know. (open mind theory)

Here in Maine, 160 meter condition had been very good, then all propagation 
was lost within minutes. It sounded like noon-time again.
I could, how ever, still  hear one ground wave fish net locator.( : > ) )

After a short commercial, it is very interesting. They are doing such 


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Mike Waters" <mikewate at>
To: "topband" <topband at>
Sent: Friday, November 22, 2013 10:41 AM
Subject: Re: Topband: Sprites

>I saw that show on PBS last night. I don't recall anything in it about
> sprites affecting radio propagation, but it was one of the most 
> fascinating
> NOVA episodes that I have ever seen. I just sat there riveted to the TV
> with my eyes bugging out and my mouth open.
> 73, Mike
>> On Fri, Nov 22, 2013 at 11:32 AM, Bruce <k1fz at> wrote:

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