Topband: 2 wire Beverage question

Mike Waters mikewate at
Fri Oct 4 11:41:06 EDT 2013


It sounds like you are asking if transposing the two Beverage antenna wires
at either end will make a difference. It will not.

For a single, bi-directional Beverage or BOG, phasing does not matter. Are
you going to phase two parallel BOGs together?

73, Mike

On Thu, Oct 3, 2013 at 8:13 PM, Carl <km1h at> wrote:

> I want to install another 2 wire BOG and experiment with different lengths
> and at the same time use up some extra lengths of MIL telephone wire.
> When wiring the sections in series do I have to maintain phase or isnt it
> relevant? IOW, does the wire leaving one side of the feedline end
> transformer have to be connected to the same end at the reflection
> transformer?
> Carl
> KM1H

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