Topband: Pixel Technologies BevPro-1 Beverage antenna

Willem Angenent k6nd at
Wed Feb 5 16:17:58 EST 2014

I purchased 1 set, it arrived yesterday. I already have 2 (coax) 800 Ft
beverages installed and will try the unit on the NE beverage first.
But............we have about 15 inches of snow and more coming so I don't
think it will be installed until next week.
I will report as soon I have the results.



-----Original Message-----
From: Topband [mailto:topband-bounces at] On Behalf Of Herb
Sent: Wednesday, February 05, 2014 2:40 PM
To: TopBand List; Tree
Subject: Re: Topband: Pixel Technologies BevPro-1 Beverage antenna

I would sure like to know the evaluation of the team at FT5ZM of this
coaxial cable antenna by Pixel.  At first there were reports of not hearing
good on the low bands.  Several posted remarks that different RX antennas
were being constructed for better reception on the low bands.  
I would like to know what works and what doesn't before I buy it and FT5ZM
would be a good test drive.

Herb Schoenbohm, KV4FZ

On 2/5/2014 1:00 PM, Tracey Gardner wrote:
> ?
> I am considering the purchase of a Pixel Technologies BevPro-1 Beverage
antenna and wondered if anyone on the list has used one?
> antenna-system/
> There are a couple of good reviews on, but I'd welcome some more
feedback before making a decision.
> Many thanks
> Tracey G5VU
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