February 2014 Archives by date
Starting: Sat Feb 1 01:43:26 EST 2014
Ending: Fri Feb 28 20:40:41 EST 2014
Messages: 470
- Topband: 8Q7BM on Topband
Björn SM0MDG
- Topband: Short receiving verticals question
Jon Zaimes AA1K
- Topband: Short receiving verticals question
donovanf at starpower.net
- Topband: Preliminary Results DXE NCC-1
- Topband: Submerging variable caps in oil as substitute forvacuum variables
Bill Wichers
- Topband: FT5ZM
Doug Renwick
- Topband: FT5ZM
David Raymond
- Topband: FT5ZM logs updated
donovanf at starpower.net
- Topband: FT5ZM logs updated
- Topband: FT5ZM logs updated
wb6rse1 at mac.com
- Topband: FT5ZM logs updated
Chortek, Robert L
- Topband: Bad tower shunt capacitor
James C. Hall, MD
- Topband: Test
David Raymond
- Topband: FT5ZM from South Dakota
Ed Gray W0SD
- Topband: FT5ZM
Milt -- N5IA
- Topband: FT5ZM
Clive GM3POI
- Topband: Submerging variable caps in oil as substituteforvacuum variables
Tom W8JI
- Topband: Submerging variable caps in oil as substituteforvacuumvariables
Hardy Landskov
- Topband: Submerging variable caps in oil as substituteforvacuum variables
Terry Posey
- Topband: FT5ZM confusion this morning
PACER99 at aol.com
- Topband: FT5ZM confusion this morning
Merv Schweigert
- Topband: Submerging variable caps in oil assubstituteforvacuumvariables
- Topband: FT5ZM confusion this morning
Garry Shapiro
- Topband: Submerging variable caps in oil as substituteforvacuum variables
Bill Wichers
- Topband: FT5ZM
Jim Brown
- Topband: FT5ZM
Charlie Cunningham
- Topband: Submerging variable caps in oil as substituteforvacuumvariables
Richard Karlquist
- Topband: FT5ZM
Gary Smith
- Topband: Submerging variable caps in oil as substituteforvacuumvariables
Charlie Cunningham
- Topband: FT5ZM
Charlie Cunningham
- Topband: Submerging variable caps in oil as substituteforvacuumvariables
Mike Waters
- Topband: FT5ZM SIGNAL
Bill and Liz
- Topband: 8Q7BM QRT
Björn SM0MDG
- Topband: FT5ZM SIGNAL
Charlie Cunningham
- Topband: 8Q7BM QRT
Ray Benny
- Topband: Shunt feeding the Skyneedle
Carl Braun
- Topband: Shunt feeding the Skyneedle
Tom W8JI
- Topband: circular polarization on 160m
Carl Luetzelschwab
- Topband: Shunt feeding the Skyneedle
Carl Braun
- Topband: Shunt feeding the Skyneedle
Tom W8JI
- Topband: FT5ZM
Gary Smith
- Topband: FT5ZM
Anthony Scandurra
- Topband: FT5ZM
Gary Smith
- Topband: FT5ZM
k2qmf at juno.com
- Topband: FT5ZM
Gary Smith
- Topband: FT5ZM
Les Kalmus
- Topband: FT5ZM
Les Kalmus
- Topband: FT5ZM
Garry Shapiro
- Topband: FT5ZM Update
David Raymond
- Topband: FT5ZM
Milt -- N5IA
- Topband: FT5ZM
Garry Shapiro
- Topband: FT5ZM
Wayne Kline
- Topband: Shunt feeding the Skyneedle
- Topband: FT5ZM from South Dakota
- Topband: circular polarization on 160m
Tom W8JI
- Topband: Shunt feeding the Skyneedle
Carl Braun
- Topband: circular polarization on 160m
- Topband: FT5ZM on 80
Jim Bennett
- Topband: FT5ZM from South Dakota
Jim F.
- Topband: circular polarization on 160m
Herbert Schonbohm
- Topband: Submerging variable caps in oil assubstituteforvacuumvariables
mapa50 at windstream.net
- Topband: circular polarization on 160m
Herbert Schonbohm
- Topband: circular polarization on 160m
Herb Schoenbohm
- Topband: Shunt feeding the Skyneedle
Carl Braun
- Topband: FT5ZM from South Dakota
jhsimon at comcast.net
- Topband: Shunt feeding the Skyneedle
Tom W8JI
- Topband: Shunt feeding the Skyneedle
Carl Braun
- Topband: circular polarization on 160m
Carl Luetzelschwab
- Topband: circular polarization on 160m
Richard Karlquist
- Topband: PZ1AA
Don Kirk
- Topband: circular polarization on 160m
Dave Olean
- Topband: circular polarization on 160m
Tom W8JI
- Topband: circular polarization on 160m
Tom W8JI
- Topband: Shunt feeding the Skyneedle
Tom W8JI
- Topband: circular polarization on 160m
Herb Schoenbohm
- Topband: Pixel Technologies BevPro-1 Beverage antenna
Tracey Gardner
- Topband: circular polarization on 160m
Tom W8JI
- Topband: FT5ZM in Log!!
k2qmf at juno.com
- Topband: circular polarization on 160m
- Topband: Pixel Technologies BevPro-1 Beverage antenna
Herb Schoenbohm
- Topband: Pixel Technologies BevPro-1 Beverage antenna
Herb Schoenbohm
- Topband: Pixel Technologies BevPro-1 Beverage antenna
Willem Angenent
- Topband: circular polarization on 160m
Tom W8JI
- Topband: circular polarization on 160m
James Wolf
- Topband: circular polarization on 160m
- Topband: circular polarization on 160m
James Wolf
- Topband: polarization
Carl Luetzelschwab
- Topband: Pixel Technologies BevPro-1 Beverage antenna
steve jobes
- Topband: Pixel Technologies BevPro-1 Beverage antenna
Carl Luetzelschwab
- Topband: Shared Apex Loop Array
- Topband: Shared Apex Loop Array
Carl Luetzelschwab
- Topband: Shared Apex Loop Array
bruce whitney
- Topband: Updating the Band Utilization charts
Ian Wade, G3NRW
- Topband: Shared Apex Loop Array
D Rodman MD
- Topband: Shared Apex Loop Array
donovanf at starpower.net
- Topband: Shared Apex Loop Array
- Topband: Shared Apex Loop Array
chacuff at cableone.net
- Topband: Shared Apex Loop Array
- Topband: Shared Apex Loop Array
Rik van Riel
- Topband: Shared Apex Loop Array
- Topband: DX Summit connection problems
Herb Schoenbohm
- Topband: DX Summit connection problems
Shoppa, Tim
- Topband: DX Summit connection problems
Eddy Swynar
- Topband: DX Summit connection problems
Charlie Cunningham
- Topband: DX Summit connection problems - BTW
Charlie Cunningham
- Topband: DX Summit connection problems
Danilo Brelih
- Topband: Updating the Band Utilization charts
Ian Wade, G3NRW
- Topband: Shared Apex Loop Array
Tom W8JI
- Topband: Shared Apex Loop Array
Tom W8JI
- Topband: Shared Apex Loop Array
bruce whitney
- Topband: Shared Apex Loop Array
Tom W8JI
- Topband: DX Summit connection problems
Gary Smith
- Topband: Shared Apex Loop Array
Andy Ikin
- Topband: Shared Apex Loop Array
bruce whitney
- Topband: Shared Apex Loop Array
James Wolf
- Topband: Shared Apex Loop Array
bruce whitney
- Topband: DX Summit connection problems
Gary K9GS
- Topband: Shared Apex Loop Array
- Topband: Shared Apex Loop Array
Steve Flood
- Topband: Low band noise
- Topband: Hi-Z Antennas Two Element Array Systems 2-LV2-5
James Rodenkirch
- Topband: Low band noise
Bill Cromwell
- Topband: Low band noise
Herbert Schonbohm
- Topband: Low band noise
Carl Braun
- Topband: Low band noise
Charlie Cunningham
- Topband: Low band noise
Mike Waters
- Topband: Low band noise
Herb Schoenbohm
- Topband: Hi-Z Antennas Two Element Array Systems 2-LV2-5
Gary Smith
- Topband: Hi-Z Antennas Two Element Array Systems 2-LV2-5
Charlie Cunningham
- Topband: Hi-Z Antennas Two Element Array Systems 2-LV2-5
Jeff Blaine
- Topband: Hi-Z Antennas Two Element Array Systems 2-LV2-5
James Rodenkirch
- Topband: Hi-Z Antennas Two Element Array Systems 2-LV2-5
Jeff Blaine
- Topband: Low band noise
Jim in Waco WB5OXQ
- Topband: Hi-Z Antennas Two Element Array Systems 2-LV2-5
James Rodenkirch
- Topband: Low band noise
- Topband: Low band noise
- Topband: topband noise update
Jim in Waco WB5OXQ
- Topband: circular polarization on 160m
dado at prijedor.com
- Topband: circular polarization on 160m
Tom W8JI
- Topband: circular polarization on 160m
Charlie Cunningham
- Topband: circular polarization on 160m -BTW
Charlie Cunningham
- Topband: circular polarization on 160m -BTW
Gary and Kathleen Pearse
- Topband: circular polarization on 160m -BTW-WOW!
Charlie Cunningham
- Topband: circular polarization on 160m -BTW
Joel Harrison
- Topband: circular polarization on 160m -BTW
Charlie Cunningham
- Topband: circular polarization on 160m -BTW
Carsten Esch
- Topband: Yikes! Heavy snow, freezing fog and 23 degrees F in Raleigh, NC
Charlie Cunningham
- Topband: circular polarization on 160m -BTW
Charlie Cunningham
- Topband: Yikes! Heavy snow, freezing fog and 23 degrees F in Raleigh, NC
Bill Cromwell
- Topband: Yikes! Heavy snow, freezing fog and 23 degrees F in Raleigh, NC
Bill Stewart
- Topband: Yikes! Heavy snow, freezing fog and 23 degrees F in Raleigh, NC
Tom W8JI
- Topband: Yikes! Heavy snow, freezing fog and 23 degrees F in Raleigh, NC
- Topband: Yikes! Heavy snow, freezing fog and 23 degrees F in Raleigh, NC
Doug Renwick
- Topband: Yikes! Heavy snow, freezing fog and 23 degrees F in Raleigh, NC
mstangelo at comcast.net
- Topband: Yikes! Heavy snow, freezing fog and 23 degrees F in Raleigh, NC
Eddy Swynar
- Topband: Yikes! Heavy snow, freezing fog and 23 degrees F in Raleigh, NC
Charlie Cunningham
- Topband: comparing a vertical to a horizontal loop
Carl Luetzelschwab
- Topband: circular polarization on 160m -BTW
- Topband: Low band noise
David Aslin
- Topband: Yikes! Heavy snow, freezing fog and 23 degrees F in Raleigh, NC
Gary and Kathleen Pearse
- Topband: Yikes! Heavy snow, freezing fog and 23 degrees F in Raleigh, NC
- Topband: Yikes! Heavy snow, freezing fog and 23 degrees F in Raleigh, NC
Charlie Cunningham
- Topband: Yikes! Heavy snow, freezing fog and 23 degrees F in Raleigh, NC
Eddy Swynar
- Topband: Yikes! Heavy snow, freezing fog and 23 degrees F in Raleigh, NC
Charlie Cunningham
- Topband: Yikes! Heavy snow, freezing fog and 23 degrees F in Raleigh, NC
Tom W8JI
- Topband: Yikes! Heavy snow, freezing fog and 23 degrees F in Raleigh, NC
- Topband: Yikes! Heavy snow, freezing fog and 23 degrees F in Raleigh, NC
Charlie Cunningham
- Topband: Yikes! Heavy snow, freezing fog and 23 degrees F in Raleigh, NC
Charlie Cunningham
- Topband: comparing a vertical to a horizontal loop
Charlie Cunningham
- Topband: Yikes! Heavy snow, freezing fog and 23 degrees F in Raleigh, NC
Charlie Cunningham
- Topband: Yikes! Heavy snow, freezing fog and 23 degrees F in Raleigh, NC
Charlie Cunningham
- Topband: Yikes! Heavy snow, freezing fog and 23 degrees F in Raleigh, NC
Charlie Cunningham
- Topband: Yikes! Heavy snow, freezing fog and 23 degrees F in Raleigh, NC
Tom W8JI
- Topband: Yikes! Heavy snow, freezing fog and 23 degrees F in Raleigh, NC
Charlie Cunningham
- Topband: Yikes! Heavy snow, freezing fog and 23 degrees F in Raleigh, NC
- Topband: Yikes! Heavy snow, freezing fog and 23 degrees F in Raleigh, NC
Charlie Cunningham
- Topband: TO7CC
f6ira at sfr.fr
- Topband: TO7CC
Doug Renwick
- Topband: Power stayed on!
Charlie Cunningham
- Topband: Power stayed on!
- Topband: Power stayed on!
Charlie Cunningham
- Topband: Low band noise
- Topband: TO7CC
Ray Benny
- Topband: Ice
Tom W8JI
- Topband: Ice
Mike Waters
- Topband: Ice
Charlie Cunningham
- Topband: Power stayed on!
Gary Smith
- Topband: NQ4I
Mike Waters
- Topband: Power stayed on!
- Topband: Question - optimum number of radials
- Topband: Question - optimum number of radials
Mike Waters
- Topband: Question - optimum number of radials
Joe Subich, W4TV
- Topband: Ice
n0tt1 at juno.com
- Topband: Ice
Gary and Kathleen Pearse
- Topband: Question - optimum number of radials
Tom W8JI
- Topband: Question - optimum number of radials
Brad Rehm
- Topband: Question - optimum number of radials
Tom W8JI
- Topband: Question - optimum number of radials
Dan Maguire
- Topband: Palomar R-X Noise Bridge
mapa50 at windstream.net
- Topband: Question - optimum number of radials
Richard Fry
- Topband: Question - optimum number of radials
Charlie Cunningham
- Topband: Question - optimum number of radials
Bill Cromwell
- Topband: Question - optimum number of radials
James Rodenkirch
- Topband: Question - optimum number of radials
- Topband: Palomar R-X Noise Bridge
- Topband: Question - optimum number of radials
Charlie Cunningham
- Topband: Question - optimum number of radials
Charlie Cunningham
- Topband: Palomar R-X Noise Bridge
Charlie Cunningham
- Topband: A simple question about EWE
- Topband: Palomar R-X Noise Bridge
donovanf at starpower.net
- Topband: TO7CC
Jim Brown
- Topband: TO7CC
Ray Benny
- Topband: TO7CC
Merv Schweigert
- Topband: RF ground radials
- Topband: Palomar R-X Noise Bridge
- Topband: TO7CC
Kenneth Grimm
- Topband: TO7CC
Jim Brown
- Topband: TO7CC
rich_k7zv at gphilltop.com
- Topband: TO7CC
Kenneth Grimm
- Topband: Palomar R-X Noise Bridge
Jim Brown
- Topband: Palomar R-X Noise Bridge
Charlie Cunningham
- Topband: Palomar R-X Noise Bridge
- Topband: Still in search of resonance
Carl Braun
- Topband: Still in search of resonance
- Topband: Still in search of resonance
Joe Subich, W4TV
- Topband: Still in search of resonance
Carl Braun
- Topband: Still in search of resonance
Carl Braun
- Topband: Still in search of resonance
Charlie Cunningham
- Topband: Still in search of resonance - BTW Resonance
Charlie Cunningham
- Topband: Still in search of resonance
Tom W8JI
- Topband: Still in search of resonance - BTW Resonance
Tom W8JI
- Topband: Still in search of resonance - BTW Resonance
Charlie Cunningham
- Topband: Still in search of resonance - BTW Resonance
Charlie Cunningham
- Topband: Palomar R-X Noise Bridge
Jim Brown
- Topband: Palomar R-X Noise Bridge
Charlie Cunningham
- Topband: Still in search of resonance - BTW - Update!
Charlie Cunningham
- Topband: Still in search of resonance
Carl Braun
- Topband: Palomar R-X Noise Bridge
Jim Brown
- Topband: Still in search of resonance Update 2
Charlie Cunningham
- Topband: Palomar R-X Noise Bridge
Charlie Cunningham
- Topband: Radials - open ended or tied together in a grid qrrtangement??
James Rodenkirch
- Topband: Palomar R-X Noise Bridge
- Topband: Palomar R-X Noise Bridge
- Topband: Still in search of resonance - Detailed Observations and Calculations
Charlie Cunningham
- Topband: Palomar R-X Noise Bridge
Charlie Cunningham
- Topband: Palomar R-X Noise Bridge
Charlie Cunningham
- Topband: Still in search of resonance - Detailed Observations and Calculations
Charlie Cunningham
- Topband: Palomar R-X Noise Bridge
James Rodenkirch
- Topband: Still in search of resonance - Detailed Observations and Calculations
Charlie Cunningham
- Topband: Palomar R-X Noise Bridge
Charlie Cunningham
- Topband: Palomar R-X Noise Bridge
Tom W8JI
- Topband: Palomar R-X Noise Bridge
Tom W8JI
- Topband: FW: Still in search of resonance - Detailed Observations and Calculations
Charlie Cunningham
- Topband: Radials - open ended or tied together in a gridqrrtangement??
- Topband: Palomar R-X Noise Bridge
- Topband: Palomar R-X Noise Bridge
- Topband: In search of resonance
Don Johnson
- Topband: Palomar R-X Noise Bridge
- Topband: Still in search of resonance - Detailed Observations and Calculations
Carl Braun
- Topband: Still in search of resonance - Detailed Observations and Calculations
Carl Braun
- Topband: Still in search of resonance - Detailed Observations and Calculations
Charlie Cunningham
- Topband: Still in search of resonance
Carl Braun
- Topband: Still in search of resonance
Charlie Cunningham
- Topband: Folded dipole vs gamma match
Tom W8JI
- Topband: Folded dipole vs gamma match
Charlie Cunningham
- Topband: Palomar R-X Noise Bridge
Tom W8JI
- Topband: Palomar R-X Noise Bridge
- Topband: Palomar R-X Noise Bridge
mapa50 at windstream.net
- Topband: Palomar R-X Noise Bridge
Charlie Cunningham
- Topband: Palomar R-X Noise Bridge
- Topband: Contest in progress - few signals
Mike Waters
- Topband: Contest in progress - few signals
MU 4CX250B
- Topband: Contest in progress - few signals
Mike Waters
- Topband: Update from AG6X shunt feed project
Carl Braun
- Topband: Contest in progress - few signals
Tom W8JI
- Topband: Contest in progress - few signals
Mike Waters
- Topband: Contest in progress - few signals
- Topband: Contest in progress - few signals
Mike Waters
- Topband: Contest in progress - few signals
Merv Schweigert
- Topband: Contest in progress - few signals
Gary and Kathleen Pearse
- Topband: Contest in progress - few signals
Mike Waters
- Topband: Fwd: Contest in progress - few signals
Gary and Kathleen Pearse
- Topband: Fw: Contest in progress - few signals
- Topband: TO7CC
Gary K9GS
- Topband: TO7CC
Jim Brown
- Topband: Contest in progress - few signals
Jim Brown
- Topband: Contest in progress - few signals
- Topband: Contest in progress - few signals
Joel Harrison
- Topband: Contest in progress - few signals
Joel Harrison
- Topband: Contest in progress - few signals
- Topband: Contest in progress - few signals
Bernie McClenny, W3UR
- Topband: Contest in progress - few signals
Brian D G3VGZ
- Topband: Contest in progress - few signals
Peter Voelpel
- Topband: Contest in progress - few signals
Bill Tippett
- Topband: Update from AG6X shunt feed project
Charlie Cunningham
- Topband: Update from AG6X shunt feed project
Carl Braun
- Topband: Update from AG6X shunt feed project
Charlie Cunningham
- Topband: Contest in progress - few signals
Shoppa, Tim
- Topband: Contest in progress - few signals
Tom W8JI
- Topband: Contest in progress - few signals
Doug Renwick
- Topband: Contest in progress - few signals
Jim Bennett
- Topband: Contest in progress - few signals
Mike Waters
- Topband: Contest in progress - few signals
Andrew AC6WI
- Topband: Contest in progress - few signals
Roger Parsons
- Topband: Contest in progress - few signals
Doug Renwick
- Topband: Contest in progress - few signals
Tim Duffy
- Topband: Contest in progress - few signals
Doug Renwick
- Topband: W/K/VE callers in the Arrl Dx Contests
k1zm at aol.com
- Topband: W/K/VE callers in the Arrl Dx Contests
- Topband: W/K/VE callers in the Arrl Dx Contests
- Topband: W/K/VE callers in the Arrl Dx Contests
Brad Rehm
- Topband: VK/W calls in test
Jim Hoge
- Topband: W/K/VE callers in the Arrl Dx Contests
w7dra at juno.com
- Topband: W/K/VE callers in the Arrl Dx Contests
Herb Schoenbohm
- Topband: W/K/VE callers in the Arrl Dx Contests
- Topband: Coax issues
Gary Smith
- Topband: Coax issues
MU 4CX250B
- Topband: Coax issues
Tom W8JI
- Topband: Coax issues
Jim F.
- Topband: 160M ARRL DX CW Contest Humor at VY2ZM (long but quite a tale!)
k1zm at aol.com
- Topband: Coax issues
Gary Smith
- Topband: Coax issues
Charlie Cunningham
- Topband: Coax issues
Tom W8JI
- Topband: Coax issues
Jim F.
- Topband: Coax issues
Tom W8JI
- Topband: Coax issues - BTW
Charlie Cunningham
- Topband: Coax issues
Gary Smith
- Topband: Coax issues
Charlie Cunningham
- Topband: Coax issues
Charlie Cunningham
- Topband: Coax issues
- Topband: Coax issues
Gary Smith
- Topband: STEERING
k4pi at bellsouth.net
- Topband: Coax issues
Tom W8JI
- Topband: STEERING
Tom W8JI
- Topband: Low band noise
- Topband: 160 condx....2nd CME impact
- Topband: VP9/G7VJR
wb6rse1 at mac.com
- Topband: VP9/G7VJR
Jim Bennett
- Topband: 160 condx....2nd CME impact
Charlie Cunningham
- Topband: OX/OZ1LXJ QSL
Udo A. Heinze
- Topband: Low band noise
Brian Miller
- Topband: Shunt feeding the Skyneedle - new developments
Carl Braun
- Topband: Shunt feeding the Skyneedle - new developments
Tom W8JI
- Topband: Shunt feeding the Skyneedle - new developments
Charlie Cunningham
- Topband: Shunt feeding the Skyneedle - new developments BTW
Charlie Cunningham
- Topband: Low band noise
- Topband: Shunt feeding the Skyneedle - new developments
Carl Braun
- Topband: Shunt feeding the Skyneedle - new developments BTW-P.S.
Charlie Cunningham
- Topband: Shunt feeding the Skyneedle - new developments
Charlie Cunningham
- Topband: Shunt feeding the Skyneedle - new developments
Charlie Cunningham
- Topband: Shunt feeding the Skyneedle - new developments
- Topband: Shunt feeding the Skyneedle - new developments
Carl Braun
- Topband: Shunt feeding the Skyneedle - new developments
Charlie Cunningham
- Topband: Shunt feeding the Skyneedle - new developments
Carl Braun
- Topband: Shunt feeding the Skyneedle - new developments
Charlie Cunningham
- Topband: Shunt feeding the Skyneedle - new developments
Charlie Cunningham
- Topband: Shunt feeding the Skyneedle - new developments
Carl Braun
- Topband: Shunt feeding the Skyneedle - new developments
Charlie Cunningham
- Topband: Shunt feeding the Skyneedle - new developments
Tom W8JI
- Topband: Control cable black conductors
Dave G4GED
- Topband: Control cable black conductors
Andy Ikin
- Topband: Control cable black conductors
Ian Wade, G3NRW
- Topband: Control cable black conductors
Carl Braun
- Topband: Shunt feeding the Skyneedle - new developments
Carl Braun
- Topband: Shunt feeding the Skyneedle - new developments
Carl Braun
- Topband: Control cable black conductors
Tom W8JI
- Topband: Control cable black conductors
Kenneth Grimm
- Topband: Control cable black conductors
goldtr8 at charter.net
- Topband: Not so ood in the contest last night
goldtr8 at charter.net
- Topband: Shunt feeding the Skyneedle - new developments
Charlie Cunningham
- Topband: Shunt feeding the Skyneedle - new developments
Tom W8JI
- Topband: Shunt feeding the Skyneedle - new developments
- Topband: Control cable black conductors
- Topband: Shunt feeding the Skyneedle - new developments
Charlie Cunningham
- Topband: Shunt feeding the Skyneedle - new developments
Charlie Cunningham
- Topband: Control cable black conductors
Charlie Cunningham
- Topband: Shunt feeding the Skyneedle - new developments
- Topband: Shunt feeding the Skyneedle - new developments
Charlie Cunningham
- Topband: Control cable black conductors
N7KA at comcast.net
- Topband: Shunt feeding the Skyneedle - new developments
- Topband: Shunt feeding the Skyneedle - new developments
Charlie Cunningham
- Topband: Shunt feeding the Skyneedle - new developments
Roger D Johnson
- Topband: Shunt feeding the Skyneedle - new developments
- Topband: Shunt feeding the Skyneedle - new developments
Charlie Cunningham
- Topband: Not so ood in the contest last night
Herb Schoenbohm
- Topband: Not so ood in the contest last night
Eddy Swynar
- Topband: Not so ood in the contest last night
Shoppa, Tim
- Topband: Not so ood in the contest last night
Joe Subich, W4TV
- Topband: Control cable black conductors
- Topband: Shunt feeding the Skyneedle - new developments
Carl Braun
- Topband: Control cable black conductors
n0tt1 at juno.com
- Topband: OX/OZ1LXJ QSL
lmlangenfeld tds.net
- Topband: Not so good in the contest last night
Tod Olson
- Topband: Low Band Noise
Jeff Wilson
- Topband: Not so good in the contest last night
goldtr8 at charter.net
- Topband: Not so good in the contest last night
- Topband: Not so ood in the contest last night
Richard (Rick) Karlquist
- Topband: Not so good in the contest last night
- Topband: Low band noise
Brian Miller
- Topband: Not so good in the contest last night
Herbert Schonbohm
- Topband: Low band noise
- Topband: Shunt feeding the Skyneedle - new developments
Carl Braun
- Topband: Not so good in the contest last night
Gary and Kathleen Pearse
- Topband: Shunt feeding the Skyneedle - FB!
Charlie Cunningham
- Topband: OX/OZ1LXJ QSL
lmlangenfeld tds.net
- Topband: Shunt feeding the Skyneedle - new developments
Richard (Rick) Karlquist
- Topband: Shunt feeding the Skyneedle - new developments
Tom W8JI
- Topband: Shunt feeding the Skyneedle - new developments
Charlie Cunningham
- Topband: Shunt feeding the Skyneedle - new developments
- Topband: Shunt feeding the Skyneedle - new developments
Charlie Cunningham
- Topband: Shunt feeding the Skyneedle - new developments
- Topband: Shunt feeding the Skyneedle - new developments
Charlie Cunningham
- Topband: from Mac Reynolds, w9evi - Rellector post repeats
Charlie Cunningham
- Topband: from Mac Reynolds, w9evi - Rellector post repeats
Charlie Cunningham
- Topband: Not so good last night ?
Jim F.
- Topband: from Mac Reynolds, w9evi - Rellector post repeats
- Topband: from Mac Reynolds, w9evi - Rellector post repeats
Charlie Cunningham
- Topband: from Mac Reynolds, w9evi - Rellector post repeats
- Topband: Not so ood in the contest last night
Bruce Whitney
- Topband: from Mac Reynolds, w9evi - Rellector post repeats
Charlie Cunningham
- Topband: Not so ood in the contest last night
Richard (Rick) Karlquist
- Topband: from Mac Reynolds, w9evi - Rellector post repeats
- Topband: Windmill RFI abatement.
- Topband: YJØOU 160m
wb6rse1 at mac.com
- Topband: Not so ood in the contest last night
Milt -- N5IA
- Topband: SUCCESS! Re:Control cable black conductors
Dave G4GED
- Topband: N2PK VNA
- Topband: N2PK VNA
Jim Bennett
- Topband: N2PK VNA
George Dubovsky
- Topband: N2PK VNA
Jim Brown
- Topband: N2PK VNA
Gary Smith
- Topband: N2PK VNA
Edwin Karl
- Topband: In search of resonance
Herbert Schonbohm
- Topband: N2PK VNA
Jim Bennett
- Topband: In search of resonance
- Topband: Radial wire size ?
Jim F.
- Topband: Radial wire size ?
Jim Brown
- Topband: Radial wire size ?
Bill Wichers
- Topband: The guy who Sells AIM Products Responds
Jay Terleski
- Topband: The guy who Sells AIM Products Responds
Richard (Rick) Karlquist
- Topband: The guy who Sells AIM Products Responds
Joe Subich, W4TV
- Topband: The guy who Sells AIM Products Responds
Paul Christensen
- Topband: AM broadcast tower and 160m dxpedition
- Topband: AM broadcast tower and 160m dxpedition
Richard Karlquist
- Topband: AM broadcast tower and 160m dxpedition
Charlie Cunningham
- Topband: AM broadcast tower and 160m dxpedition
Ashton Lee
- Topband: AM broadcast tower and 160m dxpedition
Joe Subich, W4TV
- Topband: AM broadcast tower and 160m dxpedition
Tim Duffy
- Topband: AM broadcast tower and 160m dxpedition
Charlie Cunningham
- Topband: AM broadcast tower and 160m dxpedition
Charlie Cunningham
- Topband: AM broadcast tower and 160m dxpedition
Jim Brown
- Topband: AM broadcast tower and 160m dxpedition
Joe Subich, W4TV
- Topband: AM broadcast tower and 160m dxpedition
Gary Smith
- Topband: AM broadcast tower and 160m dxpedition
Herb Schoenbohm
- Topband: AM broadcast tower and 160m dxpedition
Charlie Cunningham
- Topband: Fw: AM broadcast tower and 160m dxpedition
Charlie Cunningham
- Topband: Analyzers -The guy who Sells AIM Products Responds
Jay Terleski
- Topband: AM broadcast tower and 160m dxpedition
Tom W8JI
- Topband: AM broadcast tower and 160m dxpedition
- Topband: AM broadcast tower and 160m dxpedition
Ashton Lee
- Topband: AM broadcast tower and 160m dxpedition
Merv Schweigert
- Topband: AM broadcast tower and 160m dxpedition
Jim Brown
- Topband: AM broadcast tower and 160m dxpedition
Tom W8JI
- Topband: Info about Haiti - delete if not interested
- Topband: Fw: AM broadcast tower and 160m dxpedition
- Topband: For AutoEZ users: collected examples
Dan Maguire
- Topband: CME
- Topband: Conditions
Milt -- N5IA
- Topband: CME
- Topband: AM broadcast tower and 160m dxpedition
Joshua M. Arritt
Last message date:
Fri Feb 28 20:40:41 EST 2014
Archived on: Tue Mar 4 00:17:05 EST 2014
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).