Topband: Low band noise

Bruce k1fz at
Tue Feb 11 21:37:23 EST 2014

Hi Jim,

Noise may be riding on the power lines. Try to drive a good distance away 
from them  for a test.  A leaking transformer with a bad pole ground can do 
Power companies will usually be cooperative if given details. They may have 
noise location equipment
(Never touch a broken pole ground)


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Jim in Waco WB5OXQ" <wb5oxq_1 at>
To: <topband at>
Sent: Tuesday, February 11, 2014 9:02 PM
Subject: Topband: Low band noise

>I live in Waco Texas and there are no known windmils or inverters nearby 
>that I know of.  I have a lowband noise that is pretty broadband starting 
>around 1mhz on the am broadcast band and running almost non stop until 
>around 2.5mhz or so.  It is a buzzing noise on am and a hetrodyne on ssb or 
>cw.  Once in a while I hear what sounds like ascii  for a couple of seconds 
>and returning to a solid carrier modulated with  a rough ac note around 
>200hz.  I took my E1 receiver on battery power around the house and could 
>not pinpoint the problem so I turned the main breaker off killing the whole 
>whuse but the buzzing was still there.  So I took the portable receiver in 
>my truck and drove around the neighborhood and the noise is still there 
>everywhere I go.  Bear in mind I cannot hear much on 160 or the am band 
>because the signal strength is at least S9 or more.  The noise did not go 
>away driving around the block so I drove further to the edge of town to a 
>rural area and the noise is sti
> ll there.  I did this a couple of nights ago and have not tried this in 
> the daytime.  The weather has turned icy and cold so I will not try 
> anymore until this next weekend when the temp goes bsack to the 70s.  I 
> keep trying to find a good topband antenna but with this noise I will 
> never hear much.  The noise is down a lot by 80 meters and not heard any 
> further up the band.
> Anyone else hear this?  WB5OXQ
> _________________
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