Topband: Shared Apex Loop Array

Steve Flood kk7uv at
Mon Feb 10 22:10:32 EST 2014

>>since the currents in the center vertical wires are out of phase, you
should be able to eliminate three of those wires. Tie all the wires together
at the top and at the bottom, and use just one wire from top to bottom.  Jim
- KR9U

That is similar to an antenna I tried in 2002 from the hardcoredx website.
Mine was a 3/4-inch diam. aluminum pole in the center with 6 wires (3
opposing pairs) all attached to the top and bottom of the pole ends.   I
could never get the phasing system to work correctly, abandoned the project,
and reinstalled the K9AY.  I've wanted to revisit it however since reading
the phasing setup used in the shared apex loop articles.   

Steve KK7UV

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