Topband: Palomar R-X Noise Bridge

Tom W8JI w8ji at
Sat Feb 15 12:00:30 EST 2014

> Dielectric losses become evident at 2M with 1500W and at 432  400W of 
> steady
> carrier will heat up even the best N connectors and RG-213. For that 
> reason
> many are switching to the 7/16 DIN.

That has nothing at all to do with dielectric losses.

N connectors have a tiny BNC size center pin.

RG-213 have a woven braid and stranded center conductor making the small 
center conductor diameter heating and shield heating even worse.

Jim is correct. Conductor losses significantly dominate dielectric losses at 
UHF and lower to the point where dielectric loss is meaningless. There are 
exceptions, of course, but not with normal parts. 

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