Topband: Yikes! Heavy snow, freezing fog and 23 degrees F in Raleigh, NC
Charlie Cunningham
charlie-cunningham at
Wed Feb 12 18:09:52 EST 2014
Hi, Tom!
I just checked my junk mail folder and a LOT of messages have shown up there
that don't normally go there, including msgs from Topband Reflector. Looks
like you are bein hit pretty hard, but the weather service is callinfor 1/2
-3/4 inc of ice up here tonight, so I guess that you j ust got it ahead of
us! I just was on the news that yo mi ght get as much as an inch of ice
across GA! Yikes! I'l; bet yo'ur yagis are really mangled! Ice is awful!!
Take care and stay inside and ride it out!
I'd be happy if the power would stay on! I may have to resort tostayiongwrm
by mg gas logs. I'm too crippled up at presen/t to make my way out the
garage and fire up the generator and run a cable into the house! I should
h;ave done that before the snow started!
Charlie, K4OTV
-----Original Message-----
From: Tom W8JI [mailto:w8ji at]
Sent: Wednesday, February 12, 2014 3:20 PM
To: Bill Stewart; Charlie Cunningham
Cc: topband at
Subject: Re: Topband: Yikes! Heavy snow, freezing fog and 23 degrees F in
Raleigh, NC
> We have about 3-4 in. of snow on the gnd, and just started to
> sleet, and maybe some rain, abt an hr ago. We are in the country
I have about a half inch of radial ice at the moment. The ropes for almost
all of my wire antennas have snapped, and the Yagi's all look like noodles.
It smells like Pinesol disinfectant outside from all the broken pine trees.
I'm not sure what is going to happen here. It is still raining and still at
31F here.
We were predicted to be in the worse spot, but it looks like the worse ice
spot in Georgia has moved to along the I-20 corridor out to Augusta. I
expect antennas in southern SC won't do so well.
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