Topband: Contest in progress - few signals

Shoppa, Tim tshoppa at
Mon Feb 17 08:43:01 EST 2014

If I am operating ARRL DX contest at home I just work the handful of no-mult-no-point domestic guys to get them out of the way. Out of 2000+ QSO's, only two such cases this year, better than some previous years!

A multi-multi would worry about setting a bad precedent though.

I know some contest loggers will reject domestic calls in a DX test, but I actually like the way N1MM currently does it - just puts it in the log but knows that it counts for no mult no points. Same as working a dupe, it's faster just to work them and get them out of the way. I think there was one RTTY test last year where the same guy is in my log 5 times same band, he probably was doing the contest using a non-contest logger. Should've snail-mailed him a Op Aid 6 :-)

Tim N3QE
From: Topband [topband-bounces at] on behalf of Bernie McClenny, W3UR [bernie at]
Sent: Sunday, February 16, 2014 5:44 AM
To: Mike Waters
Cc: topband; MU 4CX250B
Subject: Re: Topband: Contest in progress - few signals

I suspect there were several other reasons they did not come back to your 1500 watts!  I suspect during a "DX" contest like the ARRL DX CW Contest most US or VE stations will not reply to other US or VE station's first several calls and put a "DX" emphasis on the next several CQ tests.  Also I suspect the 160 ops at W3LPL were listening toward EU, AF, SA or the Caribbean for QSOs with points.  Remember US and VE stations work DX for three points and any other stations from VE or the United States count as ZERO in the contest.

On my way back to W3LPL as one of the 10 meter ops.

Bernie McClenny, W3UR
Editor of The Daily DX, The Weekly DX and How's DX?
Two week trial -

> On Feb 15, 2014, at 8:19 PM, Mike Waters <mikewate at> wrote:
> I didn't notice that the K index jumped to 5 until after I posted this.
> That doesn't help.
> But the 3 or 4 stations that I hear calling CQ are quite strong (S9+) in SW
> Missouri.
> W3LPL is S9+, but he had a lot of trouble hearing my 1500 watts. Odd.
> 73, MIke
>> On Sat, Feb 15, 2014 at 7:09 PM, MU 4CX250B <4cx250b at> wrote:
>> Band has been poor here in NM. Last night didn't hear Europe at all,
>> and only about 10 SA and Carrib. Stations. This morning, opening into
>> Asia was marginal, with only a handful of weak JAs. Even Kim HL5IVL,
>> who usually blasts through here, was barely out if the noise.
>> 73,
>> Jim W8ZR
>> Sent from my iPhone
>>> On Feb 15, 2014, at 5:17 PM, Mike Waters <mikewate at> wrote:
>>> There's a contest in progress --the ARRL Int. DX CW-- but you wouldn't
>> know
>>> it from listening on 160. Where is everyone?
>>> The only two stations on 160 calling CQ TEST are K3LR and W3LPL.
>>> 73, Mike
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