Topband: W1AW/7 in Arizona operating schedule

Mike/W5JR w5jr.lists at
Tue Mar 11 16:01:40 EDT 2014

Thanks, Milt. I missed the ID 160 CW due to unknown schedule. Seemed most operation was mornings well after our sunrise here in GA. I caught the 160 SSB op last night but he was not amenable to switching over to CW since another op was designated for CW.  

I know I can work you on flea power, hi hi. See you tonight. 

Mike / W5JR
Alpharetta GA

> On Mar 11, 2014, at 10:54 AM, "Milt -- N5IA" <n5ia at> wrote:
> To better provide an opportunity for the interested masses who are intent on working the W1AW call sign in all 50 States, the operating schedule for all bands from Arizona locations can be found at the following URL.
> The operation starts at 0000Z Wednesday, 12 March, which is 5 PM local in Arizona.  You will note that both time lines are listed in the schedule.  Don’t be confused if you are NOT in AZ.  Just use the Zulu time line.
> Good luck, and CU all in the pile ups starting this evening.
> 73 de Milt, N5IA, who will be operating from N7GP in AZ, exclusively on 160 Meters
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