Topband: One of those days

Merv Schweigert k9fd at
Sat Nov 8 17:51:40 EST 2014

Ever had one of those days when things dont go your way..
This AM about an hour before sunrise I am hearing VU2GBS
calling cq on top band,  hot dog a new one.  But I hear a couple
JA,  VK,  ZL also calling from time to time with no results,
the VU2 signal peaked up to 579 at 1530Z and I still could not
raise a hair on him...
I sent an email to let him know he was being heard,  and the
reply came back,  he had a power outage,  and when power
came back it reset things and his rig started a cq beacon on
160,  with no one there listening.
He also mentioned he was running 70 watts,  12 meter wire and
one ground radial.
He is one of the ops going to VU4 soon, and will be on 160..
one I dont need of course..

You can bet there wont be conditions like that again to hear him,
Murphys law,   just one of those days..

I also seem to hear some "strange" signals on top band these days,
seems some people are paying a couple bucks to use remote stations,
in other countries,  signing their own calls, hear some from EU, some
Now thats one contact to brag about at your DX club meeting.
just one of those days..

73 Merv K9FD/KH6

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