Topband: New RF interference killing RX at my QTH

Donald Chester k4kyv at
Sat Nov 22 22:15:10 EST 2014

>>Be careful.
>>It could be grow lights from an illegal pot operation.
In that case, the perpetrators should be happy to cooperate in eliminating the interference, once they become aware that their operation is attracting attention over a wide area.
Most potheads with small operations in residential neighbourhoods are not mobsters or violent murderous criminals; they just want to do their thing and be left alone. Carefully pproach 
them in a non-threatening manner once you determine for sure that the interference is coming from their house, and let them know "something" on their premises is causing widespread
radio interference that is easily traceable to their QTH. Remain non-judgemental and make no mention of grow lights or suspected illegal activity, but display serious concern over 
the radio interference they are causing.
Grow lights are increasing becoming an RFI problem. We in the amateur community have the upper hand as long as we are diplomatic while this activity remains illegal. Let's exploit 
this to the fullest while we can still nip it in the bud.
Don k4kyv  		 	   		  

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