Topband: [Bulk] Re: Phased short vertical receive antenna system

James Rodenkirch rodenkirch_llc at
Wed Nov 19 13:44:31 EST 2014

Appreciate those comments/thought, Tom.... I was merely stating/replying that I appreciated his concise, "K.I.S.S. sort of encapsulation" of what he did ad works for him. 
I am totally aware of the "one size doesn't fit all" heuristic and appreciate your "reminder."
Tnx, 72 de Jim R. K9JWV

> From: w8ji at
> To: topband at
> Date: Wed, 19 Nov 2014 12:53:53 -0500
> Subject: Re: Topband: [Bulk] Re: Phased short vertical receive antenna system
> > Good info, Grant - the sort of concise "here's what I did that works" info 
> > needed.
> >
> > 72, Jim R. K9JWV
> Jim (and all),
> Almost always, the warnings and guidelines for various systems depend on how 
> conservative the designer or manual writer is. Things should never be taken 
> as being "cast in concrete".
> Part of this occurs because "works" is always subjective, what one person is 
> happy with and thinks he set the world on fire with is never the same as 
> what someone else is happy with.
> Part of this is because installations have different things in and around 
> the antenna that might bothering the antenna system. No two systems, unless 
> they are out in the open over similar earth, act exactly the same.
> This is why some companies sell 1/4 wave verticals, or worse 43 ft 
> verticals, and promise the world with no radials or minimal radials, and why 
> other companies might tell customers them need more radials.  It isn't that 
> one antenna system of a similar style is necessarily less critical. The real 
> reason is often that whoever wrote the instructions or advertising was more 
> liberal or more conservative in claims or warnings.
> There was a remark a week ago about an antenna system not being supposed to 
> work with a house in the middle of the array. Whether a house bothered the 
> array or not actually depended far more on the particular house and what is 
> inside the house than it does on the array.
> Unless a system is over open clear flat soil of a given type, bad things 
> might sometimes happen. Since no one ever knows how a location or things in 
> the location affect an installation, guidelines might wind up too 
> conservative. Some guidelines can be far too loose.
> I can say this, the DXE stuff is absolutely better...installation being 
> equal. That doesn't mean it is always noticeable, or that something else 
> won't work. Being better doesn't mean something else won't work almost the 
> same, and it doesn't mean it will work the same. It just means better.
> My K3 is far better than my Yaesu stuff for what I do. Doesn't mean I always 
> notice it, or that someone else might ever notice it, and it doesn't mean 
> someone else just hates Elecraft and loves the same Yaesu's I have.  :)
> 73 Tom 
> _________________
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