Topband: Phased short vertical receive antenna system

Gary Smith Gary at
Thu Nov 20 12:25:46 EST 2014

I have the three element also and use 
fiberglass poles with wire taped to the 
pole for my elements. The ground rod here 
was the bane because of the rocky new 
england soil but I found three places for 
them to go down at the proper distance 

As an added benefit to top band's benefit, 
even as high as 10M, these antennas often 
work as well or better than my roof 
mounted tribander. I transmit with the 
tribander and listen with the Hi-Z Rx 
antenna. Not always as good but sometimes 
it's decidedly better than the Triband Rx 
& vert Tx on the warc bands.


Gary, KA1J
> Jim, I have the Hi-Z three element array spaced at 50 feet. You don´t need to use radials with them. Just a 4 foot ground rod at the base of each vertical is all Hi-Z recommends. - Joe N3HEE 

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