Topband: Top band Conditions

Merv Schweigert k9fd at
Fri Oct 17 20:43:44 EDT 2014

Is this a slow year or is it just me..  have been listening on and off
for a month at sunrise and its very few and far between signals,
Caught VK9, E51, C21 etc,  no new ones but at least some activity.

Have seen some interesting conditions a couple times,  there are
some "beacons" down at 1800 and at least twice now I have seen
these pop out of the noise and good copy,  but only for at most
5 mins time.
This morning they popped up again about 1520Z and were from
1797 up the band to maybe 1810,  heard at least 15 of them.  I
think in years gone by someone stated they were Russian beacons
but my memory does not remember the location.
In any case its interesting to see them come out of nowhere for a
few mins and fade away into nothing again,  coorelates with the
band being "open" an hour before sunrise ..

For the Stew its worth taking a good look around,  may be a path
open for a few mins to some good mults.
At the same time there were a few JA signals on but they were
very weak compared to normal.

I have been hanging out down on 475KHZ for a few weeks,  just
receiving so far, working on an amplifier and tuner for the antenna,
and will be transmitting soon I hope,  so far have copied east to
PA,  daily into TX, KL7, of course west coast,  quite amazing what
a couple watts does at that freq.
73 Merv K9FD/KH6     WH2XCR

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