Topband: WTB: Guy wire stuff

Wayne Kline w3ea at
Fri Sep 5 16:46:24 EDT 2014

> The real danger is in doing things seriously wrong, like putting the loop over something with inadequate radius. I've seen some pretty poor installations. Some installers slip the loop over the tower leg, or worse yet, over the leg plus a brace rod end. The rod puts a real sharp bump against the grip.
> IMHO  you hit the nail on the HEAD...... with either material used..... Did a job on  Rohn 45  with torque arm assemblies
the installer/Ham did not use any thimbles in the  torque arm eyelets  or on the top  triangular flat plate....
IT's unnerving when you adjust your lanyard over a set of torque arms and see only HALF of the  guy grip remaining and rusted broken strands staring you in the face..... @ 45'    and the  top set was worse from axial  twisting . but we had  fixed the lower set B-4 I climbed up there ...
Wayne  W3EA 

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