Topband: Matching network info for 80 & 160M needed

Richard (Rick) Karlquist richard at
Mon Sep 22 15:17:42 EDT 2014

On 9/22/2014 9:48 AM, Gary Marks wrote:
> I have an Inverted-L antenna for 80M & 160M and would like to make or buy a remote matching system that would work on both ends of both bands that would accept full power.

I have a 90 foot top loaded vertical on 160 meter
that is resonant on 1830 with just the top loading
wires.  If I measure the impedance of it on 80
meters, it is somewhere around 1000 ohms and resonant
somewhere in the 80 meter band.  It would be
possible to build a dedicated match for each band
and then switch between them.  The component values
are so vastly different that you need separate

What I actually do is have a relay at the 60 foot
point in the vertical that disconnects the top
30 feet of the antenna for 80 meters.  MUCH simpler
than matching to ~1000 ohms.

Rick N6RK

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