Topband: alternative feedpoint capacitor

HAROLD SMITH JR w0rihps at
Sun Aug 2 21:46:32 EDT 2015

Hi Steve, 
I am shunt feeding my 80 ft tower with a stack on top. I first tried air variables and the loading changed with power. I went to vacuum variables and all is well. 500pf @ 7.5kV. 73 Price W0RI 

     On Sunday, August 2, 2015 7:11 PM, Steve Flood <kk7uv at> wrote:

 My top-loaded vertical needs a series 260pF capacitor at the feedpoint to
match the 53 + j335 impedance (1.825 MHz) to my coax feed.

I have a few different air-variables I could use, but I was wondering what
sort of fixed capacitors would be suitable in this application.

Max power is 1500w.  I have doorknob caps but they don't have current
ratings marked on them.



Steve KK7UV  

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