Topband: QRP

Tom W8JI w8ji at
Tue Dec 15 09:14:50 EST 2015

> I have been puzzled with this question for a long time...
> Given the progress on antenna and Rx-capabilities (over the years) and say
> typical transceiver output power (100W),
> how come it has become so rare to witness (experience) low power to low 
> power
> QSO's (over the USA to EU path)
> during major topband contests (winter time on both continents) ?
> What has happened to the topband conditions the last couple of decades?
> IMO it is hard to believe this is due only to environmental noise 
> increases?!

The largest problem is QRM. Mostly from intentional transmitters and also 
from hundreds of unintended transmitters that cause noise.

In the USA during contests, stations are stacked every few hundred Hz. 

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