Topband: 160m Antenna advice

Craig Clark jcclark at
Fri Dec 18 17:47:55 EST 2015

     I built my shunt feed wire cage based on the design in Jeff Bigg's K1ZM
book "DXing on the Edge..."  I bought it from the ARRL bookstore but you
might be able to find it on Amazon, etc.  I used two widely-spaced wires
whereas he used three in a triangular form held off the side of his tower
with PVC pipe.  I was surprised at how well it seems to work for me ( I
always get through and receive good reports.)  Good luck.
73 de
Gene Smar  AD3F

Bob and Gene,

Seasons Greetings 

Over the years there have been a number of articles on using a cage to feed
a vertical antenna. Some of the ideas came from Laport's Antenna Engineering
book as well as in amateur radio magazines; DeMaw in QST in the early 70's
to name one.

I have been using the unipole design here in NH since 1979. I have a 12"
wire triangle 3' from the tower using 2x4"s as standoffs. Since this is
around a 200 ohm antenna, I use a step-up L network to feed the antenna.
Bottom line is it works.

Here are some references:

Oct 1975 QST page 25-26 by DeMaw (design I used)

>From Ham Radio Magazine

Shunt-fed tower (HN)	N6HZ	74	Nov 79	+

Shunt-feed systems for grounded vertical radiators, how to design	W4OQ
34	May 75 *many consider this article by John True a classic

Hope this helps

Craig Clark K1QX
PO Box 209
107 Fitzgerald Rd
Rindge NH 03461
(603) 899-6103 office
(603) 520 6577 cell

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