Topband: 160M Propagation

Bill Breeden breedenwb at
Sat Dec 19 12:49:16 EST 2015


I listened to you several evenings on 160, and given the number of stations calling compared to those you could hear most evenings, I thought you might be suffering from a high noise level on receive locally.  Your ability to hear better on December 11 was quite noticeable on my end too.  I was thinking if you had been suffering from a a noise issue, you had solved it.  Glad you finally had a good evening of operation.  It was a good evening for me too.  Propagation is a subject, and an experience, that never ceases to amaze me.

Thanks and 73,

Bill - NA5DX

  Topband: 160M Propagation


Dennis*egan.dennis88 at<>
/Fri Dec 18 13:48:25 EST 2015/

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I recently operated as CX/W1UE, from Uruguay.  I had difficulty hearing
stations on most nights,
but the night from 2200Z Thursday Dec 10 to 0600Z Friday Dec 11, I had
no trouble hearing
stations on either 160 or 80M.  I worked more stations in that 8 hour
time period that I did in
20 hours spread over 2 weeks.  I keep coming back to the same question-

Since I have never operated from CX before, I have nothing to evaluate
the 2 weeks against.
Did that night have exceptional low band propagation?

For that one night, I had no problems hearing anyone, it seemed.  I
worked as far east as UA9
in Z18 on 80M,  and a dozen Europeans on 160M.  Stations that I never
heard before or after
that night.  I'm trying to figure out how I heard so well on that night,
but not on the other 10 nights
where I also tried to make 80/160M QSOs.  I can't explain it.

Dennis CX/W1UE now just W1UE.

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