Topband: re topband QRP

John Frazier fraz1 at
Sat Dec 26 22:32:44 EST 2015

Tom, not exactly certain of your meaning of legal. But, 97.199  4(C) 
Station Identification does allow for the addition of an "indicator" to 
your FCC assigned call sign.

(c) One or more indicators may be included with the call sign. Each 
indicator must be separated from the call sign by the slant mark (/) or 
by any suitable word that denotes the slant mark. If an indicator is 
self-assigned, it must be included before, after, or both before and 
after, the call sign. No self-assigned indicator may conflict with any 
other indicator specified by the FCC Rules or with any prefix assigned 
to another country.

That aside, every good pile-up, DX and contest op I know dislikes the 
use of any self assigned indicator, including /QRP. It s l o w s things 
down and can easily create confusion, busted call signs and missed Qs.

73 John W4II

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