Topband: [Bulk] Re: re topband QRP

Grant Saviers grants2 at
Sun Dec 27 11:47:07 EST 2015

On 12/26/2015 19:32 PM, John Frazier wrote:

> ...snip..
> That aside, every good pile-up, DX and contest op I know dislikes the 
> use of any self assigned indicator, including /QRP. It s l o w s 
> things down and can easily create confusion, busted call signs and 
> missed Qs.
> 73 John W4II
> _________________
> Topband Reflector Archives -


As a "newbie" SSB DX op (~30k Q's),

Please no QRP, no name, no state, no "50 watts to a dipole", no "thanks 
for 3rd band" (I see that in N1MM before you say it), no <something 
else>.   Just <your call> standard phonetics and then "59 Thanks" to 

At the "far end" it's immediately obvious who the pro DXrs are, and 
unfortunately about 3/4+ of those in the log aren't.  Telling me the 
state and <stuff> is an epidemic.  Hopefully, topbanders will take on 
some teaching at their clubs about how to work DX.  Contact me off list 
for a presentation I have made at my local club. Between dupes and 
unnecessary exchange confusion, I think DXpeditions lose about 15% of 
potential Q's.  That is a big deal when their cost per Q is $1 to $5.

Grant KZ1W
ex TX5D, TX7G, E51MKW

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