Topband: The "Future" Of Ham Radio

Wayne Kline w3ea at
Thu Feb 5 11:45:34 EST 2015

Makes you wonder !  I see it all the time.. There WIN 7 light speed machine with 32 GB  Ram and  QUAD    SSD's in Raid  takes 40 sec to flash screen !!!!
Gosh I still remember to  the frustration of a transceiver with limited     "Clarifier"     and the joys of  Split RX and TX  boxes. during the BIG Romeo splits. 
Now with LP Pans,  SDR's, RBN and SKimmers ( for the CW and now RITTY )  and Multiple Monitors  the shack  takes on a Mission Control environment.
   And  your frustration level off the scale when your wait timer go's off and the big  tube is ready and  !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  
I my self enjoy the HUNT....  the listening  on the other VFO trying to guess what and how he is operating.. Some  OP's are predictable  some it's a crap shoot. 
but that the FUN IMHO....  My  .02 and then  some
 There is a old YouTube  skit  that  I visit time and again to keep  this in prospective
Wayne W3EA  
"Future" Of Ham Radio
> I suppose we should go back to spark gap transmitters and coherent
> detectors, too...  :-)
> 73, Tony K4QE
> "It seems that newcomers want the easy way out, and technology supplies it.
> > Instant gratification, regardless how hollow, seems to be the new goal..."
> _________________
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