Topband: The "Future" Of Ham Radio

Stan Stockton wa5rtg at
Thu Feb 5 13:16:17 EST 2015

On Feb 5, 2015, at 11:08 AM, Steve London <n2icarrl at> wrote:

>> On 02/05/2015 09:45 AM, Wayne Kline wrote:
>> I my self enjoy the HUNT....  the listening  on the other VFO trying to guess what and how he is operating.. Some  OP's are predictable  some it's a crap shoot.
>> but that the FUN IMHO....  My  .02 and then  some
> And folks will have that same challenge and fun with RHR or other remote station provider.
> Using a remote station, having the big hardware and right location in no way guarantees an easy QSO.

...  and just in case anyone finds it far too difficult or can't afford the .99 per minute to work Navassa Island using W8JI's station via their cell phone remote link (give me a break), perhaps the software developers could write a program that would put the Dxpeditions in the "Remote Assisted Mode" at the top of each hour for a few minutes. For a little premium, shared by the expedition and RHR, the DXpeditions RX VFO could automatically switch among frequencies corresponding to the TX frequencies of the remoted stations calling.  They would soon figure out to go up ten instead of up five to make sure it was a clear frequency.  Just think of what we can come up with using today's technology with a dash of capitalism thrown in for seasoning!  

73...Stan, K5GO

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