Topband: CQWW160 Remote receiver rule

Tim Shoppa tshoppa at
Fri Jan 30 08:26:04 EST 2015

On your last example, which straddles the line of pirate operation (one
foot - you were really there. other foot - no valid license), the
organizers will sometimes disallow credit for obvious pirate operations
without penalty to those who logged him. e.g. "PZ1AA" in CQ 160 CW last
year. This sort of "no credit for working this guy" exception is very very
rare (good thing that it's rare).

Tim N3QE

On Thu, Jan 29, 2015 at 2:49 PM, Niko Cimbur via Topband <
topband at> wrote:

> K2AV wrote:
> >When I send in a checklog, that does not invalidate QSOs where other
> >stations were working me. They get credit. If I checklog, I'm just saying
> >that *I* am not submitting a log to put *my* call into the competition.
> The opinion about the NF multiplier not counting was first brought up by
> VO1HP in his message:
> >The CQWW 160 CW rules say NO remote receiver setups allowed  so I  will
> submit
> >my log  as a checklog only.  Too bad because I think i was the only VO1
> on the
> >band giving out the NF mult.
> In my interpretation of the rules if an operation is not permitted,
> sending in a check log by that station would not make it count.
> Just like someone operating from an entity without a permit and giving out
> a multiplier.  In example I drive to C31 where CEPT does not apply, I work
> the contest and send in a check log.  Would that count as a C31 multiplier?
> Niko AC6DD
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