Topband: Re. RFI - lots of it

Jim Murray adkmurray at
Mon Oct 26 13:30:20 EDT 2015

Noise has decreased today.  We have had off and on showers up to about 24 hours ago and today clear and dry, barometer up.  Evidently wetness increases the noise.  I checked nearby poles etc. and nothing concentrated near the poles.  Loudest I get is along and beneath a junction where lines from our home and lines coming from a building across the road meet.  Somewhat of a birds nest of wire right there.  I also found that the garage door opener (when not it use) also generates some noise but  not strong enough to reach very far.  Also, thanks Jim.  I read your article and I have a fairly good grounding and bonding situation.  The biggest difference is that I have a grounding bar (solid copper, thick strip not a grounding bar that is pounded into the ground)  inside attached to the operating table that everything is attached to and bar is earth grounded.  Pretty much all the same setup I've used for years although I didn't have the rfi problem.  One problem I see that may come up is if the noise level is down at hf and the power company checks at vh or uhf, which ever they do I don't think they will pick it up (unless it rains).  Thanks again to all for the help.Regards,Jim/k2hn

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