Topband: Re. RFI - lots of it

Kriss A Kliegle kliegle at
Tue Oct 27 16:44:29 EDT 2015

We had the opposite problem here in NH. The aluminum wires are held to the insulators with aluminum wire wraps. The wraps would arc when dry conditions existed.
Morning dew or rain would make it quiet. Dry days in winter would be the worst, the noise would wipe out AM,HF, and weak FM band signals. I swept the area with an
aircraft HT (VHF-AM) and a 4 element beam. Narrowed it down to one pole by tugging on the guy wire to pole and setting the wires into motion to confirm. Power Co
came out with a sniffer (VHF/UHF?) and confirmed the location. All three phases were tightened and the QRM went away!

73 Kriss KA1GJU

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