Topband: HMC580 instead of W7IUV preamp

Mike Waters mikewate at
Wed Sep 9 18:06:39 EDT 2015

That's an interesting idea.

However, in this rural QTH in SW Missouri, there are no AM BCB stations
closer than 40 or 50 miles. And none of those are over 5 kW. No nearby hams
on 160m. And on top of that, we have directional Beverage antennas that can
feed an optional preamp with the W7IUV modifications, .

I have never had to use any type of high-pass or band-pass filter on 160.
Here, IMD is not an issue (unless I have my noise blanker set too high ;-)

If I decided to build a WF, a low noise figure seems to be more important
than a preamp with as high an intercept point as possible.

With all of that in mind, any suggestions for a very low noise figure,
high-gain preamp with only a modest IP3 spec for a WF?

73, Mike

On Wed, Sep 9, 2015 at 4:35 PM, Richard (Rick) Karlquist <
richard at> wrote:

> On 9/9/2015 4:04 AM, Andrew Ikin wrote:
> Both amps, being single ended are likely to be susceptible  to second
>> order IMD from BC AM band Tx. Whether one would notice much difference
>> with a amp. with a less than 1dB NF versus the above mentioned types
> It would not be hard to use two HMC-580's in push pull with
> input and output transformers.  The output transformer could
> be used to feed in the DC, eliminating the RF chokes.  This
> should improve second order IMD by 20 to 40 dB, depending
> on how well matched the amplifiers are.  It would also increase
> 3rd order intercept by 3 dB.
> Rick N6Rk

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