Topband: I like 160

K1FZ-Bruce k1fz at
Wed Apr 6 14:01:57 EDT 2016

My post was not really about my difficulty, but was about being 
inventive with low band problems. 
In Maine we  have to go down below, often, a 4 foot frost line to be 
effective in winter. 
Your solution looks good in warmer climates. Its always good to check 
out new ideas. 
Thanks for posting. Glad its working for you. 

On Wed, 6 Apr 2016 17:22:31 +0000, william radice  wrote:

       :::: At the risk of opening an avalanche of comments....... 
Here's what I use. You can use it in a relatively shallow hole and it
works very well. This materiel is used by utility companies at the base
of power poles. 

Here's the info on it:
And here's a video of how to use it:

I can only dig about 3 feet into my soil before hitting a solid rock
shelf...acres and acres of my property are like this and I have had
great results with this stuff!

On 4/6/2016 11:04 AM, K1FZ-Bruce wrote:
> To be successful on 160 meters a ham should to be inventive. 
> Like, if you can not drive a ground rod in due to local problems 
> (rocks, neighbors, whatever)
> How about getting a truckload of added soil to bury the rod. Then 
> plant flowers on the mound to make it a show piece? ( ; >))
> 73
> Bruce-K1FZ
> _________________
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