Topband: Beverage question

W0MU Mike Fatchett w0mu at
Mon Dec 5 14:11:22 EST 2016

I am looking to supplement my RCV arrays with a bi directional Beverage 
at about 70 degrees.

The path is along an existing barb wire fence line.  I can run it approx 
480 ft.  The last 150 ft or so there is an overhead power line that 
feeds the adjacent property owner.

I can run the beverage wire on top of the fence posts or I can elevate 
the wire a couple of feet above the fence if that would help with with 
any interaction with the fence.  My 160 inv L will be about 50 feet 
away.  So it will be running right next to the radial field.

Am I asking for a ton of issues here?


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