Topband: Beverage question

Guy Olinger K2AV k2av.guy at
Mon Dec 5 15:06:44 EST 2016

Hi Mike,

Running along close to a barbed wire fence, let's call that any wire-based
or metal fence, will trash the performance in most cases. This includes an
electric fence. If you are the owner or are in good relations with them the
fence can be electrically broken up into non resonant (shorter than 1/8
wave) sections. An electric fence can be broken up with chokes or LC
networks in series.

Absent that don't bother expending any political or mental capital on it.

73, Guy K2AV

On Monday, December 5, 2016, W0MU Mike Fatchett <w0mu at> wrote:

> I am looking to supplement my RCV arrays with a bi directional Beverage at
> about 70 degrees.
> The path is along an existing barb wire fence line.  I can run it approx
> 480 ft.  The last 150 ft or so there is an overhead power line that feeds
> the adjacent property owner.
> I can run the beverage wire on top of the fence posts or I can elevate the
> wire a couple of feet above the fence if that would help with with any
> interaction with the fence.  My 160 inv L will be about 50 feet away.  So
> it will be running right next to the radial field.
> Am I asking for a ton of issues here?
> W0MU
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