Topband: K1BB

Anthony Scandurra anthony.scandurra at
Tue Jan 5 22:28:46 EST 2016


If you want to read more about Stew W1BB and expand your knowledge on the
history of 160, you would be hard pressed to beat this book by Jeff, K1ZM.

73, Tony K4QE

On Tue, Jan 5, 2016 at 10:17 PM, Gary Smith <Gary at> wrote:

> So much has been said about the Stew Perry contests and I really
> don't know much about him except him being an avid 160M OP and having
> the 1st DXCC on 160. I went to QRZ and read a bit more about him,
> more regarding his memorial station. Looking at my logs, I've never
> worked Stew in person (Never could work 160 till 1992 thanks to
> apartment living) , nor have I worked his memorial station. My guess
> is they are not that active on the air or I would have them in my
> log.
> Is there a link where I can learn more about why he is so revered? He
> must of been one heck of a DXer on 160 to be so well appreciated.
> Call me an ignorant Luddite
> Gary
> KA1J
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