Topband: Am I the only one in step?

Jim Brown jim at
Tue Mar 1 17:33:21 EST 2016

On Tue,3/1/2016 2:01 PM, Roger Parsons via Topband wrote:
> OK, so there is no reason at all from a contester's perspective why all the contests and QSO parties that have low 160m usage should not have SSB restricted to 1820 and above, and I would appreciate your help in achieving this.

My question is why have SSB DX contests on 160M at all?  JA has no SSB 
segment on 160M, which makes a 160M SSB DX contesting a complete waste 
of time west of the Rockies, and the limited allocation in Region One 
seriously limits activity. SSB NAQP is sort of reasonable -- I have no 
idea how our east coast brethren behave, but west of the Rockies, 
there's activity for no more than about 90 minutes, it pretty much stays 
above 1840, and it's a 100W contest.

73, Jim K9YC

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