Topband: [Bulk] BCB High Pass Filter

Grant Saviers grants2 at
Thu Mar 3 12:28:30 EST 2016

I have one from Heros Technology in UK, bought 12 years ago, they are 
still in business and have some interesting products.  I checked the 
filter yesterday with my VNWA and it is exactly as advertised.

Array Solutions also has a W3NQN design with better specs at the high 
end of the BCB.

Grant KZ1W

On 3/3/2016 7:59 AM, Roger White wrote:
> Anyone have a BCB High Pass Filter that they would recommend? Seems like there were a number of sources for these a number of years ago, but Google only came up with a few now.
> Roger White W5RDW
> Murphy, TX
> _________________
> Topband Reflector Archives -

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