Topband: RX / TX antenna switching

Charles Moizeau w2sh at
Thu Sep 22 16:33:20 EDT 2016

ea6vq_ml at

View two products from MFJ enterprises, MFJ-1707 and MFJ-1708.


Charles, W2SH

From: Topband <topband-bounces at> on behalf of Gabriel - EA6VQ <ea6vq_ml at>
Sent: Thursday, September 22, 2016 1:27 PM
To: 'Topband'
Subject: Topband: RX / TX antenna switching

I will appreciate your advice in the best (but simple) way to switch between RX and TX antennas for a transceiver that does not have a separate RX antenna input.

The system should be able to switch from RX antenna to TX antenna when PTT is applied (and vice versa) but also allow to switch between the two antennas during reception in order to compare.

I have thought about using a coax relay as I do switch the VHF preamps, but I think it's switching will possibly too slow and some RF could flow to the RX antenna, causing damage.

Any ideas will be welcome!

73. Gabriel - EA6VQ

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