Topband: Solar Flare

Stan K k8ll.ham at
Tue Apr 25 16:31:42 EDT 2017

If a big solar flare can melt telegraph wires, overload power lines, etc,
might it not be of concern to 160 users that have loooong Beverages, and
many have long dipoles too, that just might pick up enough from a huge
solar flare to do some major damage to the antenna or equipment?

Just my 2Hz worth....and it's often not worth even 1Hz.....

Stan K8LL
NW Ohio, USA
10-10# 76801
FP# 3255
100WattsAndAWire# 1939
Propagation is our master . . . but sometimes the master is cruel!

On Apr 25, 2017

This kind of post does not belong on this reflector. It contributes
nothing to Topband knowledge and only shows flawed logic on the part of its

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